You want to hear what police officers say and you want to follow them in the action? You want to listen to police dispatcher while they give information to police officers? Also, you want to listen to police officers while they are talking with their partners? My field of study is police technology and for many years ago I thought that it would be very useful and interesting to me to can listen to my city police radio. One day, I found how to do that on the internet. This website can do this:, this website audience is evaluated in 60 million users. Tunein is a radio time company based in United-States. Tunein give you a choice of many free radios in these fields: news, talks, sports, music and many more. Moreover, Tunein offers to users to listen over 100,000 radio stations on their website. This site has many functions like AM, FM, HD, LP, internet stations, Smart-phones and windows applications, and many others. But, this website offers a hidden section where you can listen to your city police radio. TuneIn intercept the radio waves of police using radio and diffuse them on their website. So, all the things that I enumerated on top are possible. Listen to this radio allowed me to more understand the complex work of police officers. By listening regularly this radio, I learned many things about this job like the police radios-codes, the intervention that happened regularly, the different intervention process in different police force and many other things. So, I hope you will enjoy and I hope you will more understand the job of police officers too.
Click here for a police tech glossary
How to use to found your city Police Radio
In this video, I will do a walkthrough demonstrating how to use to be able to listen to your city police radio. Also, I will explain to you why it's interesting to listen to that radio.
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