In this tutorial, I will explain my Police Hypertext Narrative. I'm in police technology and this hypertext is relate to the police force. I hope you like it.
The Cop Spot
The Cop Spot, all about police
jeudi 10 décembre 2015
Police Hypertext Narrative Walkthrough
Hi guys!
In this tutorial, I will explain my Police Hypertext Narrative. I'm in police technology and this hypertext is relate to the police force. I hope you like it.
In this tutorial, I will explain my Police Hypertext Narrative. I'm in police technology and this hypertext is relate to the police force. I hope you like it.
lundi 30 novembre 2015
Police Technology Hypertext Narrative
Start here or see the diagram.
It all started like this.
It was your final year of high school, and you was perplexed. You want to become a policeman and you was accepted at at three of them. Now, you have to make a decision. Choice 1: You decided to go to Ahuntsic college in the police technology program. Choice 2: You decided to go to John Abbott college in the west island of montreal, to study in police technology.Scene 1.
You decided to go to Ahuntsic college. Now, you have three choice and you have to make a decision. Choice 1: You decided to become a security guard. Choice 2: After your three years in police technology you decided to go study in law at the montreal university. Choice 3: When you receive your police technology diploma, you go to the Quebec National Police School.Scene 2.
You decided to become a security guard so now you have two choice. Choice 1: At your job, you save the life of a billionair man. Choice 2: You go at your small cottage because you want to relax.Scene 3.
You decided to save the life of the billionair. Now, you have to choice. Choice 1: The billionair man give you 2 millions dollars. You are now, a millionair! Choice 2: You got killed by many gangster for your money.Scene 4.
Congratulation, you're millionair now! Start again: You don't want to work anymore! You will spending your money until you die.Scene 5.
You got kill... I'm sorry! That's what happen sometime when you have too much money!Scene 6.
You decided to buy a cottage. Choice 1: At your cottage, you decided to take a walk in the forest. Choice 2: You become a popular fisherman.Scene 7.
A tree falls on you while you're walking. Start again: You die...I'm sorry!Scene 8.
You went to a big fishing competition and you fall into the water. Start again: Oh no, you are drowned.Scene 9.
You decided to go to university in the law program Choice 1: You go to Nicolet police academy Choice 2: You travel across EuropeScene 10.
Congratulation, you decided to go to Nicolet police academy. Choice 1: You become a police officer at the SPVM. Choice 2: You decided to travel around the world.Scene 11.
You decided to become an awesome police officer and you retire after 30 incredible years. Start again: Congratulation, your career is incredible.Scene 12.
While you travel around the world, you become very ill. Start again: Sadly, you die because you contract a rare and serious illnessScene 13.
You decided to travel across Europe. Choice 1: You become really poor. Choice 2: You take the plane to go to Florida.Scene 14.
You become really poor so you decided to do something to change that. Start again: You become a drug dealer to make money. What a bad idea...Scene 15.
You are now a drug dealer and you have several problems with gangster. Start again: These gangster kill you in a hotel room. That's what happen when you're a criminal!Scene 16.
You decided to go to the Quebec National Police School. Choice 1: You become a police officer for the SQ. Choice 2: You become a police officer for the GRC.Scene 17.
You decided to become a police officer for the SQ. Choice 1: You decided to do a big party with your friends at Las Vegas. Choice 2: You win at the loto-QuébecScene 18.
After many beers, you take the road with your car. Start again: You kill yourself in a car accident because you were driving over 110mph.Scene 19.
Congratulation, you win 7 millions dollars. Start again: You create your own TV show an become an international star.Scene 20.
You decided to become a police officer for the GRC. Choice 1: You become an awesome detective. Choice 2: You become a Infantry Soldier in the Canadian Army.Scene 21.
You are investigating a gang with two of your colleagues. Start again: Sadly, you leave your job because the gang threat you and your colleagues.Scene 22.
You're moved to Afghanistan to protect civil. Start again: You loose one of your legs in an ambush._______________________________________________________________________
Scene 23.
You decided to study in Police Technology at the college John Abbott. Choice 1: After doing your police technology, you go to the Quebec National Police School. Choice 2: After, you go to the militairy police. Choice 3: You decided to become a philosophy professor.Scene 24.
You decided to go to the ENPQ and now, you have to make a choice. Choice 1: You decided to become a police officer at the Ontario Police Department Choice 2: You decided to become a correctional officer in the St-Jérôme prison.Scene 25.
You decided to become a police officer in Ontario. Now, make a choice. Choice 1: Become a SWAT team officer. Choice 2: You go in Massachusetts with your family.Scene 26.
You leave your job because the mafia wants to kill you. Start again: But, the mafia finds you and kills you with your own weapon.Scene 27.
You go to Massachusetts with your family by plane. Start again: But, your plane crashes. Fortunately, your family and you survive!Scene 28.
You decided to become a correctional officer at the St-Jérôme jail. Choice 1: You fight an inmate because he insult you. Choice 2: You become the director of the jail.Scene 29.
After the fight, you start to have serious problems with other inmates. Start again: One day, 4 prisoners beat you and after you leave your job.Scene 30.
You become the director and you make a reality show about your jail. Start again: Congratulation, you become rich and you living the dream.Scene 31.
You decided to become a military police in the Canadian Army Forces. Choice 1: You go to afghanistan to fight talibans. Choice 2: You find the girl of your life and leave your job 3 months after.Scene 32.
You decided to go in afghanistan to serve your country. Choice 1: The world war three is declared and you have to fight enemies. Choice 2: You return in Canada after 3 years in Afghanistan.Scene 33.
You choose to fight enemies at the world war three. Start again: Sadly, you're it by a bullet and you die.Scene 34.
Now, you want to return in Canada after 3 years in Afghanistan! Start again: Your plane crashes in the ocean...Scene 35.
You decided to find the girl of your life and leave your job 3 months after. Now, you have a choice to do ! Choice 1: Leave your country and go work in Arizona with your girl. Choice 2: Get a job on a cruise ship.Scene 36.
You choose to leave your country and go work in Arizona with your girlfriend. Start again: Congratulation, you will work all your life in a supermarket with the girl of your life.Scene 37.
You decided to work on a cruise ship... Bad choice... Start again: This cruise ship will sink with you inside!Scene 38.
Wow, you decided to become a philosophy professor! Here's your choice. Choice 1: You loose your job and become a weapon seller. Choice 2: Make babies with your girl.Scene 39.
You decided to loose your job and become a weapon seller...Here's your next choice : Choice 1: Fight and knock out a thief who wants to rob your market. Choice 2: Sell your market to a gangster organization.Scene 40.
Wow, you're a bad ass! Start again: I'm sorry for you but...The friends of the guy you KO kill you at your home.Scene 41.
You decided to sell your market to bad guy! You win the jackpot. Start again: The gangster organization give you 2 millions dollars for your market. Congratulation!Scene 42.
You decided to make babies with your girl! Wise decision. Choice 1: You go on a road trip to California with your family! Choice 2: You become a champion in car race!Scene 43.
You decided to go on a road trip to California with your family! Start again: Finally,you stay in California all your life and become a movie star.Scene 44.
You decided to become a champion in car race. Start again: You will take too much drugs after your final race and you're arrested by the DEA._______________________________________________________________________
samedi 17 octobre 2015
Police Glossary
12 definitions relating to the police and to the police technology
A person under the age of 18 who has been adjudicated for an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult, and who requires guidance treatment, and rehabilitation.
To threaten another in order to influence his behavior. The threat may include physical harm, restraint, confinement, or accusations of crime (even if true).
- 1) exhibit :
- a document or other object produced in a court as evidence
- 2) hostage:
- a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.
- 3) inmate:
- a person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital.
- 4) moving violation:
- Any violation of the law committed by the driver of a vehicle while it is in motion.
- 5) radar:
- a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects, by sending out pulses of high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are reflected off the object back to the source
- 6) bulletproof vest:
- equipment primarily intended to protect the thorax, abdomen and back against the firing of firearms by absorbing impact
- 7) criminal code:
- a criminal code is a document which compiles all, or a significant amount of, a particular jurisdiction's criminal law. Typically a criminal code will contain offences which are recognised in the jurisdiction, penalties which might be imposed for these offences and some general provisions.
- 8) alibi:
- A form of defense used in criminal procedure wherein the accused attempts to prove that he or she was in some other place at the time the alleged offense was committed.
- 9) coroner:
- Investigating judge charged in suspicious deaths.
- 10) baton:
- A club of less than arm's length made of wood, rubber, plastic or metal carried for forced compliance and self-defense by law-enforcement officers, correctional staff, security-industry employees and (less often) military personnel.
A person under the age of 18 who has been adjudicated for an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult, and who requires guidance treatment, and rehabilitation.
To threaten another in order to influence his behavior. The threat may include physical harm, restraint, confinement, or accusations of crime (even if true).
jeudi 15 octobre 2015
How to Listen to Your City Police Radio
You want to hear what police officers say and you want to follow them in the action? You want to listen to police dispatcher while they give information to police officers? Also, you want to listen to police officers while they are talking with their partners? My field of study is police technology and for many years ago I thought that it would be very useful and interesting to me to can listen to my city police radio. One day, I found how to do that on the internet. This website can do this:, this website audience is evaluated in 60 million users. Tunein is a radio time company based in United-States. Tunein give you a choice of many free radios in these fields: news, talks, sports, music and many more. Moreover, Tunein offers to users to listen over 100,000 radio stations on their website. This site has many functions like AM, FM, HD, LP, internet stations, Smart-phones and windows applications, and many others. But, this website offers a hidden section where you can listen to your city police radio. TuneIn intercept the radio waves of police using radio and diffuse them on their website. So, all the things that I enumerated on top are possible. Listen to this radio allowed me to more understand the complex work of police officers. By listening regularly this radio, I learned many things about this job like the police radios-codes, the intervention that happened regularly, the different intervention process in different police force and many other things. So, I hope you will enjoy and I hope you will more understand the job of police officers too.
How to use to found your city Police Radio
In this video, I will do a walkthrough demonstrating how to use to be able to listen to your city police radio. Also, I will explain to you why it's interesting to listen to that radio.
You want to hear what police officers say and you want to follow them in the action? You want to listen to police dispatcher while they give information to police officers? Also, you want to listen to police officers while they are talking with their partners? My field of study is police technology and for many years ago I thought that it would be very useful and interesting to me to can listen to my city police radio. One day, I found how to do that on the internet. This website can do this:, this website audience is evaluated in 60 million users. Tunein is a radio time company based in United-States. Tunein give you a choice of many free radios in these fields: news, talks, sports, music and many more. Moreover, Tunein offers to users to listen over 100,000 radio stations on their website. This site has many functions like AM, FM, HD, LP, internet stations, Smart-phones and windows applications, and many others. But, this website offers a hidden section where you can listen to your city police radio. TuneIn intercept the radio waves of police using radio and diffuse them on their website. So, all the things that I enumerated on top are possible. Listen to this radio allowed me to more understand the complex work of police officers. By listening regularly this radio, I learned many things about this job like the police radios-codes, the intervention that happened regularly, the different intervention process in different police force and many other things. So, I hope you will enjoy and I hope you will more understand the job of police officers too.
Click here for a police tech glossary
How to use to found your city Police Radio
In this video, I will do a walkthrough demonstrating how to use to be able to listen to your city police radio. Also, I will explain to you why it's interesting to listen to that radio.
mercredi 16 septembre 2015
3 Good Reasons to Become a Police Officer
1. The absence of routine
When you are a cop and you receive calls, you don't know what the call is about! And it's never the same thing. When you arrive on the scene you never know what to expect. In this job, although some tasks may be the same, the routine isn't the same every day as if you were working in an office, factory, store etc...You will rarely eat at the same time! During your shift, you will receive many different calls. Sometimes it will be for a robbery, for a car accident, for breaking and entering, violence, vandalism and so much more. In brief, you will work on different things all the time. And with time, some police officers can also be trained for more specific duties (investigation, surveillance, drug enforcement etc.). Which can be motivation and interesting once you have more experience.
2. The action
First of all, being a Police Officer is a very dangerous job. During each shift you are exposed directly to danger. Sometimes the call that you will receive can be very dangerous, it will be stressful. You have to be prepared for every situation because as I mentionned in point 1, you never know what to expect. You have to learn new tactics regularly! Some situations will represent action, like a pursuit, a shootout and many others. Some other situations will need you to help people, or to apprehend criminals. It is definately an action job! Often, police officers will be the first response team, arriving before the fireman or before the ambulance, and it is your obligation and duty to do what it takes when someone's life is in danger. Moreover, you must stay in control in any situation.3. Helping people
The main responsibility of a police officer and all law inforcement employees is to protect the community. Helping out is a big part of this job. Keeping the peace too! You will help people in difficulty by referring them to some ressources that can help.You will protect people from the danger. You are serving your community by risking your life to maintain order and peace. This for me is what makes this job so significant. That must be rewarding!Hope you enjoyed!

jeudi 3 septembre 2015
Pronunciation here
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